Whether you like it or not, enforcing gun laws against non-offending citizens by creating new rules is not only an attack on your second amendment rights, it is a criminal attack on the non-offending citizen.
In our history, the fighting began when the British government sent their forces to confiscate guns. The men who were present recognized this as an attack by force – that is, they knew that if they did not hand over their weapons, they would be in danger of being killed. In truth, had they complied immediately, they could have still been at risk. If not on that day, on some other day.
“Give us your weapons, or we will take them by means of threat of imprisonment, or force if necessary”, when applied to non-violent citizens who simply want the option to protect themselves if need be, is not “enforcing the law” so much as it is robbery under threat of murder or kidnapping.
It never has been reasonable to disarm, in any way, citizens who are not engaged in harming others.
While there are many who argue that we are “less safe” simply by the presence of a gun, this is ignoring that in the instances they point to to back up their nonsense, there is ALWAYS some other factor at play – whether that is a health issue, or other crimes being committed (whether the gun is used or not is less relevant, and simply used to mask the actual intent of their reasoning, which is simply to make you weaker).
How does one solve the issue of innocent people being kidnapped or murdered by those who claim to have our best interests at heart (as in, federal agents, police officers, etc.)?
The solution is simple, yet very uncomfortable.
First, you must set aside the notion that all laws are moral and just. We all know this is untrue – and the party you subscribe to does not matter in this regard. There are plenty of examples of laws being abused that apply to either party. And furthermore, political parties – in this instance – are of no significance at all. Bringing them up in an attempt to find someone to blame is completely useless, and detrimental to the well-being of the entirety of the people.
As in history, the solution to the matter is to keep your guns.
Chief Justice John Marshall wrote “A law repugnant to the Constitution is void.”
Any law that infringes on ANY right that is guaranteed by our Constitution is void.
And therefore, ANY agent of government who attempts to enforce such a law is repugnant to the people and is to be disregarded.
So when one who is an agent of government, who attempts to – by means of force – enforce non-laws that are void, then they are no longer law-abiding citizens acting in the best interests of the people, and therefore become lawless criminals.
The attempts by these criminals to steal from you, remove your ability to defend against criminals, or jail you for non-compliance are simply this: theft, coercion, kidnapping, and murder.
In this light, what is needed to put an end to the non-stop encroachment of these “government officers” is to resist through whatever means necessary. Unfortunately, the courts in the areas where most of the encroachment occurs have been overrun with criminals who do as I have written above (that is, attempt to use void non-laws as an excuse to remove you from having the ability to stop their abuses).
To be clear, this is a thought exercise simply to discuss the matter in a way that makes sense to as many people as possible. Everyone has the natural right to self-defense.
At the present, most citizens do not know when agents of the government will arrive.
This is intentionally kept secret, because if a citizen has prior notice, they would simply evade the kidnappers.
When an order is issued by a court to execute an order that is repugnant to the Constitution, then what is needed is for one of the good citizens in the loop to let some one – or some group – know when the order to kidnap the citizen is to be carried out, that way a resistance can be mounted.
And what is this except self-defense against tyrants who would force their whims on you by threat of death or capture?
There is no sanctuary in the judicial system, and these attacks are often carried out in secret – and then they are bragged about by those who side with tyranny.
Consider what we have come to. They do not deserve bragging rights.